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Textile Manufacturer

This client is a USA based textile manufacturer with multiple divisions and an international supply chain network. The client had a very manual and disconnected freight audit and payment process before working with Intune.  The client's transportation personnel were spending numerous hours entering, auditing and account coding freight invoices.  Additional burden was being placed on their accounts payable department for paying invoices.  Intune was challenged with implementing services to improve the freight audit process and free up the client’s transportation resources to focus on their core business.

small package audit,freight audit service,small parcel audit,freight payment



Intune worked closely with the client to understand the current processes and suggest solutions to improve freight audit, account coding, payment and reporting while also saving time for transportation and A/P staff.   Intune spent a great deal of time working on data interfaces, accounting, processing rules and reporting requirements utilizing parallel test data.   It was very important that each division was comfortable with the solution.  Each transition was very smooth due to the extensive preparation and testing. Increase audit savings and time savings were realized very quickly.  Intune also worked on standardizing dashboards and reporting for corporate visibility which is yielding benefits of additional cost avoidance opportunities.



Immediate Benefits


  • Reduced cost to process freight invoices

  • Uncovered prior overpayments

  • Improved audit savings

  • Implemented small package audit and recovery

  • Reduced workload for A/P and transportation departments

  • Improved visibility to freight data at division and corporate levels

  • Improved data quality and increased level of detail for reporting

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